
Demo Download


Demo_macosx Demo_win32

Prerequisites for Deployment

. Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you
have installed version 8.0 (R2012b).

. If the MCR is not installed, do the following: (1) enter


  at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the 
  location of the MCR Installer.

(2) run the MCR Installer.

Or download the Macintosh version of the MCR for R2012b from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to

For mac or unix users (shell script for temporarily setting environment variables and executing the application) -to run the shell script, type

   ./ <mcr_directory> <argument_list>

at Linux or Mac command prompt. <mcr_directory> is the directory 
where version 8.0 of MCR is installed or the directory where 
MATLAB is installed on the machine. <argument_list> is all the 
arguments you want to pass to your application. For example, 

If you have version 8.0 of the MCR installed in 
/mathworks/home/application/v80, run the shell script as:

   ./ /mathworks/home/application/v80

If you have MATLAB installed in /mathworks/devel/application/matlab, 
run the shell script as:

   ./ /mathworks/devel/application/matlab
